Four online portals tried to estimate in the beginning of 2014 the total amount of money that ’Közgép’ group, owned by former close friend (Lajos Simicska) of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, won in public procurement in 2013. The four sources (, Átlátszó, K-Monitor, Hír24) calculated four different sums. There was more than half a billion Euro difference between the highest and the lowest estimates. Given that public procurement records are open to the public, it is evidently worthwhile to investigate these calculations and their different outcomes. The CRCB has compared the estimates of Átlátszó and K-Monitor using the data. We seek to explain why Átlátszó estimated 1,454 billion, 1,228 billion, and K-Monitor 1,207 billion Euro. The attached brief analysis shows that there are exclusively technical reasons for this.