Tag Archives: EU funds

Közbeszerzések, politikai favoritizmus, kleptokrácia


2025. február 5.


Közbeszerzések, politikai favoritizmus, kleptokrácia. Az 1998-2023 közötti közbeszerzések statisztikai elemzése.
On-line előadás (PDF).


Ajánlott hivatkozás (APA stílus):

Tóth István János. (2025. február 5.). Közbeszerzések, politikai favoritizmus, kleptokrácia. Az 1998-2023 közötti közbeszerzések statisztikai elemzése. On-line read more

Fourteen Graphs and Two Tables on the New Trends of Corruption Risk in the Hungarian Public Procurement 2005-2022


February 7, 2023


This  CRCB Statistical Quick Report shows the trends of corruption risk in Hungarian public procurement from 2005 to 2022 through fourteen graphs and two tables. The report includes information based on a contract-level dataset with full-year 2022 data. The CRCB’s aim with this report is to inform the EU taxpayers (especially the Hungarian ones) within T+45 days on corruption risk trends in Hungary in read more

Dataset of EU funds received by Hungary. Dataset disclosure in a format suitable for statistical analysis

June 12, 2021

CRCB is committed to foster transparency and access to public information.

The importance and benefits of governmental transparency, open government, and digital governance have been widely discussed. The disclosure of public data is an important goal supported by international organizations, governmental partnerships, and global civil society organizations (Open Government Partnership, European Commission, The World Bank, and OECD).

Based on the expectations of OECD digital openness and read more

The EU funds, Viktor Orbán, and Lőrinc Mészáros, the Hungarian gas fitter: four graphs


March 8, 2019


CRCB. 2019. The EU funds, Viktor Orbán and the performance of firms owned by Lőrinc Mészáros, the Hungarian gas fitter, in the Hungarian public tenders 2005-2018. Budapest: CRCB.

Based on the empirical analysis of the Hungarian public tenders we pointed out  that the EU funding has perverse effects in Hungary: it helps to reduce the intensity of competition, to increase the level of corruption risk and the weight of price distortion, and it generated the growth of the estimated direct social loss due to weak competition and high level of corruption risks from 2009 to 2016. The analysis on public tenders won by read more

An explanatory model on the reorganization of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and on the expropriation of its research institutes


May 30, 2019


CRCB. 2019. An Explanatory Model on the Reorganization of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and on the Expropriation of its Research Institutes. CRCB Research Notes: 2019:6, Budapest: CRCB.

This short analysis deals with a possible interpretation scheme of the real objectives of the Hungarian government with the forced transformation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) and the destitution of the network of its research institutes in 14 points. With this read more